An Opticul Camera is a computer vision system that projects light through the use of an optics tube and a thin piece of plastic called the objective lens. This computer vision system uses a light source called a light-emitting diode (LED) or an electric light source (LED), an image sensor, and microprocessor control to process the light from the LED or the light source to form an image. The computer that controls the Opticul Camera’s operation is called the sensor. This computer may be used in conjunction with a hand-held laser-based computer or a computer that is remotely located. Computer vision applications for Opticul Cameras typically include operation of a manufacturing process in which products are produced in bulk.
A variety of factors are involved in the performance of an optical Camera. One of these factors is the process of capturing an image of the eye in a refractive error, called astigmatism. In an optical reading, the eye prescription of the patient is taken and the resulting images are projected onto a retina, which is used to create an image on the monitor of the optical camera. Some patients have nearsightedness or farsightedness; other patients have astigmatism, and so the images that are created for each patient may differ slightly from the others.
To determine the right lens for a particular patient, a computer vision technician will perform a series of tests using a visual display to analyze the characteristics of the eye. In the case of a nearsighted patient, the distance between the center of the lens and the retina must be greater than 0.6mm; whereas, for patients with farsightedness, the distance between the center of the lens and the retina must be less than 0.6mm. In order for the lens to be an effective corrective lens, it must be designed to provide a clear view of the patient’s eye through the appropriate telescope. In order to perform an astigmatism check, the computer vision technician will insert a tiny piece of eyewear called an eye sock into the eye of the patient while they are seated in a chair. The technician then begins a series of test trials, which require them to look through a pair of glasses with a very short wave-length of transmission (that is, they only transmit a very narrow portion of the light wave, which includes all colors), to see if there is any distortion in the patient’s vision.